CS371p Fall 2020 Blog

Jonathan Granier
3 min readOct 26, 2020
  1. What did you do this past week? This week was extremely internship intensive. I probably put in 45 hours this week because we have a new product that I helped with start-to-finish that went live to our largest customer yet. We’ve been experiencing scalability issues, so it’s been interesting tackling all the issues surrounding that. We got most of the issues worked out over the weekend, and we just caught up on the backlog of four million events today. It’s looking positive going forward.
  2. What’s in your way? I’ve fallen behind on a few of my classes, so I need to find the motivation to catch back up. It’s just tough to juggle everything going on right now, but I think I’ll make it through all my classes. I only have these last nine hours to go until I graduate in December.
  3. What will you do next week? I am actually going to go home and then take a trip out to Broken Bow, Oklahoma, where we have a few vacation-rental cabins, with my mom, dad, sister, and grandparents. It is half vacation and half trying to get out of big cities. My parents are super worried that the country is so divided that big cities are going to have riots based on the election results. I’m not in full agreement with them, but I figure I could use some time out of my apartment. I’m looking forward to it. The only problem is that we’ll be sharing a 2–4mb connection, so I imagine Zoom calls will be difficult, but we’ll see.
  4. If you read it, what did you think of Ethical CS? I have not Ethical CS yet.
  5. What was your experience lambdas, initializations, std::initializer_list, and std::vector (this question will vary, week to week) A lot of these concepts I am already familiar with because I took SWE with Professor Downing. I really enjoyed thinking about how the actual vector class is implemented, and I found it interesting seeing what it means to be a constant class in C++.
  6. What made you happy this week? I am still waiting on an internship return offer, but it should be coming in this week or next. There are some politics behind getting me on the team because headcount wasn’t distributed to the team that I’ve interned on for two years. Management got creative and was able to work something out with all the decision makers, but it’s taking time to execute their plan. I received a very positive note from the owner of my division, and it looks highly likely which made me happy.
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? No matter how silly the idea or question, good coworkers won’t judge it and it may lead to a productive discussion. I just had a public thread with the architect of our group about an idea to increase our throughput of the system. He explained why we couldn’t implement that because order of processing is important for our product. This led to a discussion about how a part of our system wasn’t currently supporting order, and we realized that there is a pretty major bug that wasn’t reproducible in our QA environments because the amount of data coming.

