CS371p Fall 2020 Blog

Jonathan Granier
2 min readNov 22, 2020
  1. What did you do this past week? I interned 30 hours this week working through bugs on one of our products for a customer beta testing. They are extremely thorough, and I’ve been dealing with them directly for the past two weeks. I think we have most of the kinks worked out, and they are currently planning on signing a multi-hundred thousand yearly subscription deal. I got a lot of visibility with senior management and sales through this process which was nice. I also have been working through the Life project, and I just passed all the Hackerrank tests.
  2. What’s in your way? I don’t see anything in my way at this point. I think it’s smooth sailing until my last assignment is due on December 4th.
  3. What will you do next week? I get 16 hours of holiday pay next week which is exciting. The bad news is that my dad was in Florida for a week with a friend, and he just told my dad that he tested positive for Covid. My dad said he’s feeling okay, but my mom just came down with a low-grade fever. They are in great health, so I hope that they’re going to be okay, but they did ask me not to come to Dallas for Thanksgiving while they get tested and quarantine.
  4. If you read it, what did you think of What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You? I haven’t read What Happens to Us Does Not Happen to Most of You yet.
  5. What was your experience of inheritance? Inheritance is a fairly easy concept for me to understand. I don’t exactly understand what the virtual keyword does, so I’m going to go to office hours to dive deeper into the concept.
  6. What made you happy this week? I got my first job offer at Proofpoint on Friday to work in Austin starting mid-December! I’ve interned there for the past two years, so for most people, this would be guarantee, but sadly, our team didn’t receive headcount this year. It was a three-month process of my manager and my manager’s manager fighting for my position, and it finally came! This is probably the highlight of my entire semester, and the offer was very good as well.
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? Even if you don’t have competing job offers in a negotiation, ask for more. Maybe it’s easier for me since I have known my manager and recruiter for two years, but I asked for 4k more on my salary, and she said she could do 2k more. That amount is nothing to them, but I think in their mind, that will leave me happier with the offer which will pay off in the future.

